Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Happy Place

We have so much going on! First let me explain my happy place, I just returned from a Women OF The Harvest retreat :) I was able to come back feeling rested. The first pic is my new found happy place, that I now will be able to imagine with all the sights and sounds of Cancun. The second picture is of some friends that I meet with weekly to do a language exchange, we have a ton of fun together, last week we started doing cooking classes :) The third picture is of a short term team that was here from Rockyview Alliance Church, we had a great time showing them around our neighbourhood and they were even able to help out in our english classes. We are so glad they came! They left us feeling encouraged and supported beyond anything we could have imagined!!!

1 comment:

Chantelle said...

So cool you were able to go to the women of the harvest retreat! I have seriously considered going to the one in western africa this coming February. However, because you are fully subsidized to go and they have limited spots, they ask that you only ever go once to one of their retreats. So i am thinking I may want to wait until a bit later in my missionary career when i am truly burned out and then go! So how was it? what did you all do?