Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Get Drenched

Well we keep going! Here are some updates;
1. Nathan goes to the hospital on Friday to get xray's and see how his foot is healing.
2.We are in our second week of ALPHA we have a record number of people. 25 are new people who have never attended ALPHA.  We are excited!!!
3.We have now moved into the ministry center due to reasons out of our control.
4.We are trying to be a peaceful and stable home in the midst of some caos for our kids.
5. We are starting to look into future options of where to move next.
6. This Sunday La Conexion will have our first baptism's we have 8 people who are excited to take this next step in their faith.  I can't wait to post pictures of that!!
7. The girls are still getting settled into their new school but we are trying hard to get them up to speed.
8. Last month we celebrated a engagement shower for our friends Rodrigo and his fiance Tania.