Sunday, February 15, 2009

Piñatas Piñatas and More Parties!

We had a week full of parties! It began with Julia's 3rd Birthday on Thursday with 2 parties one at school and one with friends after school. We ended the week with another party that we were invited to with some friends from our english group! We had a great time and had the opportunity to meet some new friends Please pray that our relationships will grow deeper and that we will be sensitive to the ways God is wanting us to express His love.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Nathan looking into the eyes of a
"champoline" (small grasshopper)
before devouring them.

A delicious grasshopper delicacy.
They are just dried and seasoned
with salt. You can eat them with
chile seasoning or covered in
chocolate as well. Also good
with Tacos.

Nathan and Rick playing for
our Mexican friends

Sandra and her Mexican
friends talking and having
fun coming up with different