Hey there, so it's been a while since I last made a post on here and thought maybe I should talk about something interesting. We all talk about finding connections, people to talk to. Sometimes it happens in the most obvious places and sometimes in the not so obvious. Take my crazy life for example. During the past 3 weeks or more I have connected with 4 men in the oddest of places, 3 of which live within 15 minutes of us and one Mexican who lives in Calgary for most of the year.
So during our stay in Acapulco with our good friends I struck up a conversation with someone in the pool. After talking for a while he told me that he lived in Coyoacan, quite close to Del Valle. Then on our way home we decided to stop at a McDonald's and while we were in the lineup I started talking with a Mexican who was speaking English. So we talked in both languages as I discovered that he lives in Toronto for part of the year but when he is home he lives about 15 minutes from our place. He too told me that he wants to get together with me to talk more. Then when we arrived home, my friend Kevin and I walked across the street to a bakery where I started talking to a French-English speaking Canadian, who lives here (just down the street), is a chef here and is married to a Mexican. He wants to talk some more with me as well.
Then there is the 10 minute conversation I had with someone in an airport lineup. This guy lives in Calgary for most of the year, very close to where we used to live. He has made some contacts with friends of ours in Calgary and we are connecting with him when he is back home here as well. We are supposed to be meeting his family this weekend.
When I sit back and think about this opportunities I never could have imagined the location of these first contacts; a pool 4 hours away, a McDonald's lineup 1.5 hours away, a bakery lineup across the street and an airport line up....
We have been praying for months for the Lord to bring people in our path to connect with and talk to and just share life with and now He has been responding. I haven't been intently looking, they just happen to be there whenever I am there and we start talking. Amazing!
Something I have learned is that you can never predict when or where or how God is going to bring people across your path...just believe that He will.
Que maravilloso!!! Solo hay que creer y Él hará exatamente en el tiempo de él!!!! Me alegro mucho hay gozo en Dios!
Excellent! Praise the Lord.
Nate if I saw you in a line up I would want to talk to you too! The Lord is certainly at work and that is so great to see! We are so glad for your relaxed and easy going personality. We look forward to hearing how these relationships may grow into something more beautiful.
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