This morning we realized that we may have a little problem on our hands. It seems that one of the neighbourhood (street) puppies thinks it lives at our house. It sleeps behind our door which is two gates away from the street. Apparently it is even thinking it is protecting our house as it barks at everyone who walks by. Nathan tried to give him water but the dog didn't know what to do with a bowl of water :( kind of sad its probably only ever eaten out of the garbage and off the sidewalk. He is cute! About 3 months old and is probably part Labrador pup. The problem is that we are only here for 5 months and it would be mean to get it used to eating real food instead of garbage and to get used to people actually playing with it and giving it attention. But the other problem is that dogs out here do not have any vaccines and so it could be dangerous if he bit one of our girls. Now saying that Isabella told me this morning that while she was at school today she was going to think of a name for our new dog ??? Not sure how this situation will end but meanwhile we have a guard dog :) we were the only house on the street without one so maybe we needed one.
Congratulations on your new puppy!! :-)
Oh dear! That would be a toughy for me... can't give any words of wisdom on this one-but totally understand your reasoning for not feeding it and the pending move.
Heather B
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