I am not sure exactly when but as we were preparing to return to the girls After spending a week in Mexico City tying up loose ends. I felt the image of a cocoon. I felt that it was symbolic of what this next year for us in Calgary is going to be. As I reflect of the purpose of a cocoon, the obvious comes to mind a caterpillar being transformed into a beautiful butterfly. In my spirit I already feel like this process has begun. Just like the caterpillar it is forced to be removed from its ordinary routine and his life is now blanketed by a rest a time of restoration but not only that but a time of transformation so incredible that what butterfly would ever after going through this miraculous transformation would be disappointed with the outcome, what follower of the living God does not come through pain, or trial, or adversity and not resemble a little bit closer the beautiful image of Jesus. We come out of our cocoon, or the recovery with a life that truly notes the fruits of the spirit and finds them just a little bit sweeter. Life is a choice, we may not be sure but at some moment whether it is an internal voice that triggers the caterpillar, it makes takes the first step and begins to spin its cocoon. For us the cocooning stage looks a little different, instead of clinging to a branch and being still, it is at this point in our journey that we chose to cling to the Father´s character, for all that we do not see or have answers to we instead rest in the fact that our God is faithful, He is good, He is at work in and around us, He has not left us. When we chose to do this inspite of the pain we are walking through then like the caterpillar we are covered with a protective coat and place of rest. Ours is knit together with the peace that can not be shaken, though the mountains will fall and all be replaced we know that there is a restorer who´s will is to restore us molding us more beautifully than we could have imagined.
We have such peace to enjoy this year in Calgary!
1 comment:
May God bless you in every-way possible that will bring Glory to His Name. In this process build you up and encourage you for service wherever you are.
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