Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A journal entry January 21

I feel as if we were a garden full of beautiful flowers thriving and growing.  The gardener came and he pruned and he dug out everything to prepare for the winter.  In order to turn the soil. There were some distracting of weeds along some of the growth.  At that point undoubtedly it hurt.  But now, I see a peaceful garden, quiet and still with anticipation of what lies ahead.  Not only what lies ahead but enjoying the rest that comes with the now.  There is nothing to do in the winter in a garden but relax and enjoy the quietness of winter.  The humming peacefulness of snow.  For the spring always comes and with it a new season of growth.  A new season of pruning and of beauty.  For the good gardener is never lazy or allows anything to go to waste.

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