Saturday, August 22, 2009

Are You a Dull Axe?

I was encouraged by Ecclesiastes 10:10 this morning, it says "If the axe is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed but skill will bring success." It really made me think about what areas of my life am I feeling dull....its not hard to figure out that we are costing ourselves time, energy and success in whatever it is we are facing. Why do we insist on taking the hard way? on wasting our energy on doing things in our own strength and ability? Oh the amazing things we are kept from experiencing and seeing because we insist on chopping wood with a dull axe. Find out what sharpens you, doing everything you ever dreamed you couldn't do! You will be amazed how courageous you feel when you allow yourself to be sharpened, there is no tree too big! You can be used to create something beautiful out of something ordinary..or you can keep swinging that dull axe till you have completely mangled that piece of wood and what's left is only useful for throwing into a fire. The things that sharpen me are guarding my heart, my thoughts, being quick to say sorry (not too quickly Canadiense!) to keep a clear conscience and heart and to remember to rest and allow my creator to refresh me and inspire me with the beautiful creations he wants me to be apart of.
The picture is of two women that I love in Abbotsford Lori and Brenda, they both are women who sharpen me just by being with them :) Remember iron sharpens iron!!
love Me


Anonymous said...

Sandra, I love your analogy - how blessed you are to have women in your life who, with grace and love sharpen those dull edges. What a gift! GOd gave me my daughter-in-law :)... heather (sure sorry I didn't get to see you guys) God willing - next time.

Anonymous said...

Sandra, I love your analogy - how blessed you are to have women in your life who, with grace and love sharpen those dull edges. What a gift! GOd gave me my daughter-in-law :)... heather (sure sorry I didn't get to see you guys) God willing - next time.

Bryan Kliewer said...

I found your blog during an Internet search. You will not be the only Kliewer's from a Christian & Missionary Alliance church serving in Mexico. I will be there too. My name is Bryan Kliewer. My church of First Alliance Church in Toronto, Canada. If you are interested in connecting, you can reach me at

Nick and Bren said...

Love you and feel privileged to walk by your side (in spirit) as you serve in Mexico City.

Jewelry by Diana- Joyeria Diana said...

Have you had that baby yet!!!