I am so excited!! Since we have arrived here in Mexico City I have been praying for a Mexican friend. I loved my Tica friends and learned so much from their lives. We have been praying specifically that I would find a friendship that I can practice my Spanish and learn about the culture and customs of Mexico. We are such funny creatures aren't we? Well it seems that God has answered this prayer, I met with my new friend this morning and we are going to start meeting once a week and speak in Spanish for an hour and an hour in English! I am so silly, on Sunday I started feeling overwhelmed thinking about everything I have to do, teaching Carmela (she is home schooled) and taking spanish and cultural courses (we get homework!) and then teaching someone english as well, I thought what is wrong with me, I am not qualified to do this? But God is so gentle with me, I am sure he just laughs and says oh Sandra is freaked out again, I better comfort her and remind her its not all about her! But I am with her, this is my work she just gets the pleasure of seeing how I work :)
Sunday night I was up at 4:00 am so why not read! I read the whole chapter 41 of Isaiah and I was so comforted and so much peace just washed over me, I went back to sleep as content as a baby laying in their mothers arms.
I took you from the ends of the earth, (from Canada to Mexico City!)
from its farthest corners I called you.
I said, 'You are my servant';
I have chosen you and have not rejected you.
10 So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
How in the world do I ever forget that?
Now I am excited to meet with my friend, I am going to see her tomorrow and then on Thursday we will start meeting. Please pray for this relationship that we would be a blessing to each other and that God would use us in incredible ways, that my friend would see true love and peace in my life and that she would experience it herself as well!!!
love Sandrita
here is a picture of my baby Julia.
whatever you are going through, try not to get caught in the same trap I do, get your eyes off of you and your circumstance put them on God's power, his faithful hand that is guiding us and strengthening us. Remember when you do feel like freaking out, do not hide from Him, run to Him he loves to comfort us, just give him the chance.
1 comment:
Oh my sweet friend! I miss you so! Thank you SOO SOOO SOOOOOOOO much for sharing your heart today. You know me and know I fall into this same exact trap myself - too many times. Today, God used you to remind me just how much he loves me. Thank you! I love you! Brooke :)
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