Well today has been a great day of relaxing first with friends and then just hanging out with our girls. I think its safe to say by all the hyperness and giggles that their love tanks are full :) Well I am totally humbled to say this but I have actually felt like giving up this week. That doesn't exactly sound brave and courageous does it? But that is the problem with being honest it takes us out of our comfort zones and keeps us real right? This morning I let out a desperate cry to the Lord, concerning learning Spanish of course. I have been so overwhelmed this week, feeling like I just do not have enough time to be where I would like to be at and I am feeling like the task is just too hard. When I prayed this morning I simply said Lord I feel like I am drowning and I just can not do this, I need you to be my saviour and I need you to help me. As I prayed that I clearly saw a huge body of water and it was overpowering me and I did not know how long I could hang on for. That was earlier this morning. Well I just came from saying good night to the girls and one of our little traditions is to sing each girl their baby song before they go to bed, (do not be deceived I can not sing, but my girls don't care) Carmela's song is by Robin Mark, What the Lord has done in me. As I sang the words "I will rise from waters deep into the saving arms of God, I will sing salvation's song, Jesus Christ will lead me on" totally forgetting about my prayer and picture from earlier, and I saw a different body of water but this time I was wading through it, and I wasn't over powering, and I very much knew that I was not there walking alone but God was enabling me. I am feeling encouraged :) it probably wont change how difficult I will find school tomorrow or how exhausted I will feel at the end of the day but I am encouraged that I do not need to drown trying to do this in my own strength. I am so glad I picked out that song for Carmela 5 and a half years ago!
love Sandra