Well I have a little story to share with you.....
I have definately and tangibly seen the power of your prayers for us today. It all started last night as we just couldn't get to sleep. Then around 2:00 am I felt the words NO TIENE MIEDO three times, which in Spanish means do not be afraid. I didn't really think a whole lot about it but found comfort in those words and managed to get a little bit of sleep. This afternoon on our way home from school, Nathan and I decided that we were not going to eat beans and rice again! So we stopped at a Tienda on the way home from school, which in North America would be similar to a corner store but cut into 8ths...I am serious. There is hardly room to walk. Nathan rummaged through the fruit and veggies and I stood at the counter because there wasn't any room for both of us to look at the produce. As Nathan was looking at the fruit, two men came in, one younger and the other older. They were sure that I could not understand Spanish as they were talking about how much money we had and then the younger one told the owner that he was going to rob us. I, to my amazment (not sure if it was disbelief), remained completely calm and not fearful. I was reminded of the words that were spoken to me in the middle of the night three times saying, "Do not be afraid, do not be afriad, do not be afraid." Then the owner of the store calmly told him "No se robar," which means do not rob them. So Nathan pays for the groceries and we walk across the street and I begin to tell Nathan what just happened. We know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord is our protection, we believe that he has angels walking with us and surrounding us. Please never think that your prayers are not heard! We are a testimony to your prayers and God's faithfulness.
love Sandra
Do not fear, You are never alone, what a great encouragement for such a terrifying event! we know God has good things in store for you and the enemy is fighting it tooth and nail! Praise the Lord for He is faithful! You are not far from our thoughts daily. We are so glad you are safe and continue to go forth like Paul in the new testiment to further God's kingdom. May God bless you richly!
Praise God!! What a powerful image of God's sustaining hand.
God bless,
The name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and tehy are saved!!!!
Amen sister!
Very encouraging how the Lord is walking along side you guys.
Love you Bella
Answers to prayer are such an encouragement to those of us who are praying for you as well dear one. Praise the Lord for His Hand on you. Thank you Father
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