You are probably thinking this picture is hard to see, its too dark! Your right! There are many little things that we are getting accustomed to here in Costa Rica. Some are little some are bigger. This is a picture of an almost daily activity in our house. Our power goes out very frequently, sometimes for only 20 minutes and sometimes for hours. This is a picture of Isabella and myself doing our homework by candle light. We are told that in the summer the power will be shut off almost on a daily schedule. When the water levels go down due to the lack of rain, the "powers that be" who control the electricity will shut down our power for hours on end...nutso I know! Now another adjustment I never thought much about before was how being so close to the equator would effect us. In Calgary we enjoyed our sunlight some nights until past 10:00 p.m.. Here we have exactly 12 hours of sunlight, starting at 5:30 am-5:30 p.m. every night. This is not a huge deal during the week as we are so mentally exhausted from learning spanish that we are ready for bed by 5:30pm! I know it sounds crazy but its true!!!!
Some highlights from our week:
We had a relaxing Thanksgiving (chicken dinner) with new friends, even though they are American!
Julia has decided she is ready for potty training-!! Yippeee
We are going away this weekend for a retreat with other CMA missionaries and are so excited about the mental break and time outside of San Jose. It will be the first time we have left the City since we arrived on August 22.
We have been encouraged by correspondence from our church families-!! We love you Barbara! And Sylvan Lake Alliance.
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