Thursday, June 21, 2007

Trip of a Lifetime

Hey there,
Just thought I would share a little something with all of you aircraft buffs. A little while ago I went for a trip in a WWII Army corps training aircraft. It was a bi-plane, open cockpit plane called the Stearman. Well, my good buddy Kevin set this all up for me and so when we arrived at the airport my eyes became bugeyed. Here was this sweet looking plane that I was going to go in and go upside down over and over and over and over again until I puked my brains out. Well, upsided down, and sideways and straight down we went but chukin up was not in the agenda and so I didn't!!! But the harness I was in kept me in a couple times. Man was it ever sweet! We were doing all these acrobatics while looking over the foothills valley and the big Goat Lake below. It truly was an experience of a lifetime. Check out some of the photos

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