Thursday, June 7, 2007

Saying Good Bye To Rockyview

Ok so neither of us are smiling! It was a bit of an emotional morning (for Sandra of course!) But it wouldn't be so hard to leave Rockyview apart from being blessed with some of the most meaningful relationships ever. We are really exciting about going to Costa Rica to begin this journey that we are on. A picture that I received coming back from Mexico City, sensing that we were REALLY going, the picture was equating this new phase of our lives with giving birth (ewwww! I know but stay with me!) in order for us to experience what we were created for, to be truly fulfilled in our being! which means serving God in Latin America, we would first need to experience some of the birth pains, the letting go of .......great relationships, growing friendships, knowing what life is going to be like tomorrow, the security of a politically and for the most part safe country, but most of these pains look like a deep sense of gratitude for the wonderful family and friends that we have supporting us, we wouldn't be sad if we didn't love you all so much.
Love Sandra
If you think of me can you pray that I stay the course!!! I mean that I will not feel overwhelmed by the preperations that need to be done and still be able to focus on the important things in my life and enjoy every minute of it, especially my girls.

1 comment:

Vera said...

I know that you guys are just being so incredibly obedient to God's calling for your lives. I think its incredible what you are doing, and extremely brave!
The selfish part of me wants you to stay! But I know that this is God's will for your life, and you must go. I just know that Adam and I will miss you guys so very much.

All my love,