Well it is that time again where the countdown has started to go back to Mexico City. We are planning on returning the beginning of June. Which means starting to purge through books and things we wont be keeping in storage for 4 years. I find it hard to hear the news about Mexico especially the violent crimes against Canadians. So I am aware of how much more I need to guard my heart against any type of fear that would want to distract me. You see the joy and privilege that we have of getting to know and love our Mexican friends far out weighs anything else. I am reminded of the greatness of the God we serve, who protected the Isrealites with a pillar of fire at night and a cloud by day, knowing that he goes before us and not one step that we take will be on our own.
This is a painting that reminds me of Exodus 34, Where God tells Moses that he is sending his angel ahead of him to drive out his enemies and prepare the land for him. He then says that he will send the hornet ahead to drive out his enemy.