Hearing about a snowstorm in Calgary really makes me wonder how in the world will we ever adjust to Calgary weather again!! We have had a busy March and are thankful for all of the ways that we are hoping and seeing God working around us. These are some pictures of a family party we attended. We feel so fortunate to be so welcomed into the lives of our friends and their families. Another pleasure is fresh ripe mango's!! The girls just peel them and enjoy them. Its a little messy but I don't think the girls even notice :) We are looking at our schedules and excited about the things to come this year including getting two more team members!!! Who we have already had the privilege of meeting, they are amazing women that we are honored to learn from and just enjoy being with. Please pray for them as they begin to transition this summer. We are dreaming of new ways to serve here in Del Valle and are fasting and praying about how to move forward. We are filled with peace and joy as we walk the steps that have been prepared for us and wait expectantly for the fruit in its proper time.
Can you imagine anything more exciting than this!!!