Well many of you will remember praying for our little Julia when she was born and spent the first month in the hospital hooked up to all kinds of fun machines because she occasionally (too many times for me thank you) would stop breathing. We have not noticed her having any spells since she has come home until this Saturday. We were driving home from a family outing when I looked over at Julia and saw and heard that she was in trouble. All she needed was to be stimulated and she responded right away and was fine. That is more than I can say for her mother ( my heart is still recuperating!!!) I think it has just reminded me once again how much of a gift she is. I think I have cuddled her more in these last days than I have in a month. Each time I put her down for a nap or bed I pray confidently and have peace that God will post her angel closely and that if her little body decides it is done breathing that her angel will stimulate her when I can't. I am surprised how much peace I have. But I guess I shouldn't be. If I didn't have peace in my great big God how could I be going to Costa Rica in 2 weeks!!! I know that I can trust His plan for me, even when I can not understand it or see any future details I can trust His heart and that gives me peace.
love Sandra
p.s. If you think of us can you pray that God's hand would be on Julia's health.